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Return to krondor

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As they progress in their travels they discover that someone or something is creating dark beings and horrible perversions of nature, suggesting that things are very wrong in Krondor besides the ambitions of a single renegade mercenary.

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James and his friends follow the trail of death and destruction Bear has left in his wake and to stop him before he reaches the Tear.

It appears that Bear is in pursuit of the Tear of the Gods, a holy artifact of immense power. A ruthless mercenary named Bear sends his men to murder the woman William loves. Shortly afterwards they meet William ConDoin, a fearless swordsman and the son of the famous magician Duke Pug. It all begins when James - once a thief and now a squire of Krondor - is sent by Prince Arutha to escort the court magician Jazhara to the palace.

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Not an American user? DescriptionThe direct sequel to Betrayal at Krondor, Return to Krondor takes the player back to the fantasy world of Midkemia, which is once more in peril.